The Faithfulness of God

Posted by Andrew Groves | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, June 06, 2012

On January 6, 2012, exactly five months ago, my life changed forever. During my morning commute to Danville High School, where I teach math, my car was struck head on by an SUV. The damage to my car was so severe that rescue crews had cut through the vehicle to extricate me. I was immediately airlifted to the University of Kentucky Medical Center where I underwent surgery to repair my multiple injuries, which included a broken femur bone (broken in two places), a broken kneecap, several broken bones in my foot, and cracks in my pelvis. I also sustained significant nerve damage that severely inhibited my walking ability. In order to walk normally, I now must wear an AFO (Ankle-Foot Orthotic) brace for the rest of my life.

I share this with you today to encourage you. Where is the encouragement, you might ask? I’ve asked myself that same question during these five months of recovery and rehabilitation. In fact, I’m still struggling to find answers in wake of this traumatic event. Why did this have to happen? Why do I have to wear a leg brace for the rest of my life? Why me? But there is one thing I cling to—one thing I know: that my God is faithful on the rainy days and the sunny days, and he will never leave my side.

Don’t believe me? Then let me tell you of his faithfulness. To begin with, God has shown his faithfulness in sparing my life on that fateful day in January. After witnessing my injuries firsthand at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, several of my doctors commented that I was lucky to still be alive after such a horrific accident. What they attribute to luck, I attribute to God’s all-sufficient protection. It’s also important to add that car accidents like mine tend to result in head and spine injuries. Thankfully, and because of God’s faithfulness, I did not sustain any such injuries.

Still don’t believe in God’s faithfulness in the midst of great trial? Then let me tell you how God used people in my life to demonstrate his faithfulness. I’ll begin with a man whose name I don’t even know. Immediately following my accident, I went into a state of shock and subsequently don’t remember very much. However, from what I’ve been told, an emergency room doctor was taking the same route to work that morning and witnessed my accident. He quickly got out of his car and rushed to my aid, staying with me until the rescue crews arrived. Another example of God’s faithfulness was shown through my principal at Danville High School and the superintendent of Danville Independent Schools. Upon hearing about my accident, they rushed to the hospital and provided companionship and encouragement to my older brother as I was in surgery. In addition, the two of them picked my parents up from the airport and stayed at the hospital until late that night.

Since that day in January, I’ve received an abundance of encouragement, well-wishes, and prayers from relatives, friends, co-workers, and students. Not a day goes by that I don’t receive a card in the mail, an email, or a message on Facebook that is intended to lift me up. I am loved and supported by the community around me, and that alone has meant the world to me. While I continue on my road to recovery, I know that I am being endlessly cheered on by a great cloud of witnesses, and I am thankful.

So whether your next trial is years down the road or you’re facing it right now, know that God’s faithfulness is from generation to generation. He is on your side; he will never leave you or forsake you. Through great turmoil and tears, I have learned this, and I wanted to share it with you today.

Comments Posted (14)

  1. I read this with tears and a lump in my throat. thank you for sharing with us. May God continue to heal you and bless you. Clella

  2. Thanks, Andrew. Trustworthy words from someone who has been where you have been the past five months.

    I am a blog friend of your moms and have prayed for you (and still do.)


  3. God bless you, Andrew! You are a wonderful testimony of His grace. Can't wait to see what amazing ministry He gives you as a result of this trial!
    Lots of love and prayers,
    Mrs. Breslin

  4. Andrew, I'm praising Him for His faithfulness and your wonderful outlook on your life. I am confident He will use you to bless many. Thanking God, praying for you and your family!

  5. Andrew,
    Hey, I'm Amy, a friend of your mom's. This post flooded me with awe of our God who can do such miracles.

    So thankful you are able to share.

    And in case you didn't know, you had legions of people who have never even met you, praying for your recovery. Yes, sure did.

  6. Hi Andrew,
    I read your mom's blog.
    Your words are so encouraging and I can see that what has been a very hard and trying time for you and your family is now encouraging and giving hope to others.

    The words you wrote are exactly what I needed to hear/read at this moment. In our life we are dealing with some difficult health issues with my daughter and it has been so hard. Yet your reminder that no matter how difficult life is God will never leave our side is something I had been looking past. I can see that He has never left our side, that is why we can continue on and keep working to make a rough situation better.

    Thank you.
    You will be in my prayers.

  7. Andrew, I doubt you'll know this side of heaven how many people have prayed and are still praying for you. Even more exciting, you are touching more lives than you know with your gracious testimony. God bless you and keep you.

  8. I'm here from your mom's blog and have prayed for you through this ordeal. I am so glad to hear of God's faithfulness and manifestation of Himself all along the way.

  9. So encouraging! I know your amazing mother through a writing conference we met at several years ago. She has raised a wonderful and godly young man.

    My son is 12 and has cystic fibrosis. We don't know God's ways, but we can always count on His faithfulness.

    May God continue to heal your body and spirit!

  10. Visiting from your mom's blog today. Wow. He commanded His angels concerning you. Wow. That's all.

  11. Andrew Groves...YOU ROCK! My mom wore one of those orthotics for 8 years to prevent drop foot. She actually called it her YOU are an amazing young man and not because of the accident...but in spite of it. I love you and think of you often. Continued recovery for you--I'm glad your mom will have some quality time with you. Love Ms Ingle

  12. Thank you for sharing - popping over because your mother has been bragging on you over at the MOB society ;) I'm working hard to train my boys and to instill this kind of faith in them! God bless and speedy recovery!

  13. Andrew,

    You don't even know me, but I teach at WA with your mom. As I listen to her lunchroom updates about your progress, I have been so encouraged by your faithfulness to the Lord. It reminds me of Paul writing to the Thessalonians, who were faithful despite "severe suffering." Paul explained that their suffering was very fruitful. "The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere" (1 Thess. 1:8). As you praise the Lord through suffering, you show that His love is more precious than anything that this world has to offer... even your health. That's really amazing, and I am thankful for you. As you carry your afflictions in His grace, I pray that God uses you mightily to reach those who suffer without hope. C.S. Lewis once wrote, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." In this trial, you are His megaphone, and you a preaching an awesome message! Thank you!

  14. Andrew, We just now heard of your accident from your parent's Christmas card. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hear you have an important occasion coming up in June. We're in Louisville - not that far away if you should need us. Dee & Kay Oliver